2024 神宮外苑花火大会 | 花火とアーティストの響宴!

観光庁 インバウンド消費の拡大・質向上推進事業

Information for foreign visitors to Japan


2024 Jingu Gaien Fireworks Festival offers
a special inbound experience 2 days!

提供为期2天的「2024 年神宫外苑烟火晚会」的特别入境体验!

Date: Saturday, August 10th, 2024
August 10th
A special car will pick up participants at their desired location in Tokyo.
10:00 Arrival at Meiji Shrine - Stroll around the grounds and worship
11:00 Prayer festival for safety of travel to Japan at Meiji Jingu Kagura Hall
11:30 Special lunch at Meiji Shrine
14:00 Nippon Seinenkan Hotel check-in
15:00 Yukata rental dressing service
16:00 Move to Jingu Stadium ~ Food (special fireworks bento)
and free drink service at special seats
18:30 Watch live in special seats
19:30 Fireworks viewing
20:30 Fireworks end - Stay at Nippon Seinenkan Hotel
August 11th
Morning check-out
10:00 抵达明治神宫--院内散步并参观
11:00 在明治神宫神乐殿进行访日安全祈祷
11:30 在明治神宫享用特色午餐
14:00 在Nippon Seinenkan 酒店办理入住手续
15:00 浴衣穿着体验
16:00 前往神宫体育场 - 在特设贵宾席上用餐
18:30 在特设贵宾席上观看现场演出
19:30 观看烟花
20:30 烟火晚会结束 - 入住Nippon Seinenkan 酒店
In addition to the above, a special, priceless experience awaits you!